Under the Hood provides information about the most interesting Yii features
hidden under the hood: events, import, autoloading, exceptions, component, and widget
configuration, and more.
Router, Controller, and Views is about handy things concerning the Yii URL router,
controllers, and views: URL rules, external actions and controllers, view clips, decorators,
and more.
AJAX and jQuery focuses on the Yii's client side that is built with jQuery—the most
widely used JavaScript library out there. It is very powerful and easy to learn and use. This
chapter focuses on Yii-specific tricks rather than jQuery itself.
Working with Forms. Yii makes working with forms a breeze and documentation on
it is almost complete. Still, there are some areas that need clarification and examples. Some
of the topics covered in this chapter are creating own validators and input widgets, uploading
files, using, and customizing CAPTCHA.
Testing Your Application covers both unit testing, functional testing, and generating
code coverage reports. Recipes follow a test driven development approach. You will write tests
for several small applications and then will implement functionality.
Database, Active Record, and Model Tricks is about working with databases
efficiently, when to use models and when not to, how to work with multiple databases, how
to automatically pre-process Active Record fields, and how to use powerful database criteria.
Using Zii Components covers data providers, grids, and lists: How to configure
sorting and search, how to use grids with multiple related models, how to create your own
column types, and more.
Extending Yii shows not only how to implement your own Yii extension but also how
to make your extension reusable and useful for the community. In addition, we will focus on
many things you should do to make your extension as efficient as possible.
Error Handling, Debugging, and Logging reviews logging, analyzing the exception
stack trace, and own error handler implementation.
Security provides information about keeping your application secure according
to the general web application security principle "filter input escape output". We will cover
topics such as creating your own controller filters, preventing XSS, CSRF, and SQL injections,
escaping output, and using role-based access control.
Performance Tuning shows how to configure Yii to gain extra performance. You
will learn a few best practices of developing an application that will run smoothly until you
have very high loads.
Using External Code focuses on using the third party code with Yii. We will
use Zend Framework, Kohana, and PEAR but you will be able to use any code after learning
how it works.Deployment covers various tips that are especially useful on application
deployment, when developing an application in a team, or when you just want to make
your development environment more comfortable.
hidden under the hood: events, import, autoloading, exceptions, component, and widget
configuration, and more.
Router, Controller, and Views is about handy things concerning the Yii URL router,
controllers, and views: URL rules, external actions and controllers, view clips, decorators,
and more.
AJAX and jQuery focuses on the Yii's client side that is built with jQuery—the most
widely used JavaScript library out there. It is very powerful and easy to learn and use. This
chapter focuses on Yii-specific tricks rather than jQuery itself.
Working with Forms. Yii makes working with forms a breeze and documentation on
it is almost complete. Still, there are some areas that need clarification and examples. Some
of the topics covered in this chapter are creating own validators and input widgets, uploading
files, using, and customizing CAPTCHA.
Testing Your Application covers both unit testing, functional testing, and generating
code coverage reports. Recipes follow a test driven development approach. You will write tests
for several small applications and then will implement functionality.
Database, Active Record, and Model Tricks is about working with databases
efficiently, when to use models and when not to, how to work with multiple databases, how
to automatically pre-process Active Record fields, and how to use powerful database criteria.
Using Zii Components covers data providers, grids, and lists: How to configure
sorting and search, how to use grids with multiple related models, how to create your own
column types, and more.
Extending Yii shows not only how to implement your own Yii extension but also how
to make your extension reusable and useful for the community. In addition, we will focus on
many things you should do to make your extension as efficient as possible.
Error Handling, Debugging, and Logging reviews logging, analyzing the exception
stack trace, and own error handler implementation.
Security provides information about keeping your application secure according
to the general web application security principle "filter input escape output". We will cover
topics such as creating your own controller filters, preventing XSS, CSRF, and SQL injections,
escaping output, and using role-based access control.
Performance Tuning shows how to configure Yii to gain extra performance. You
will learn a few best practices of developing an application that will run smoothly until you
have very high loads.
Using External Code focuses on using the third party code with Yii. We will
use Zend Framework, Kohana, and PEAR but you will be able to use any code after learning
how it works.Deployment covers various tips that are especially useful on application
deployment, when developing an application in a team, or when you just want to make
your development environment more comfortable.
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